The amazing Giving Champions are holding a global creativity competition called Create for Change as a fundraiser for your country's chosen charity.

How to get involved:
1. Create something amazing! It could be something you've made in the past, or could be a new creation.
2. Make an optional donation to this page
3. Submit a photo or video link to your creation in the comments on this Engage article before Friday 18 October.

Voting will then open and we'll announce the winner in the Buzz soon after!

Need inspiration?
Whether you love drawing, sculpting, crafting, knitting, sewing, photography, painting, pottery, woodwork, filming, dancing, singing - we want to see what you can do! We can't wait to see your entries!

We're fundraising for the Sir John Kirwan Foundation’s amazing Mitey initiative.

Through the Mitey initiative, the Foundation aim to educate every child in New Zealand about the importance of their mental health.

Their unique approach sees a trained Mitey coach working alongside schools for 3 years- developing a deep sense of their individual needs and then staying to provide custom support and resources. This means the education is deeply embedded throughout the entire school and lays the important foundation for children to nurture their mental health, and that of others, for the rest of their lives.

And for the children? Schools report that kids are more able to talk about and manage their feelings and help their classmates do the same- and the teachers experience improvements in their own well-being. Win win.

With your generosity, Mitie can be rolled out into more school settings, reaching more kids to teach them the vital skills they need to manage their mental health. So let’s help them to build a Country which understands, supports and prioritises mental health.

Thank you so much for your donation today. Giving Back