About the Mitey Initiative

Mitey, an initiative by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation is about turning New Zealand’s poor mental health statistics around by educating every child, about mental health. Mitey supports schools to deliver research driven approach to mental health education for Years 1-8. Co-designed by the University of Auckland, clinicians and teachers, Mitey is a free, school wide approach to mental health education, delivered through professional development from a Mitey coach. The unique thing about Mitey is that it enables teachers to easily teach the knowledge and skills of mental health education to their students, as part of everyday learning.

A Mitey coach works alongside each school over 3 years to find out exactly what a school’s specific requirements are and then stays with them to offer resources and professional development from the teaching and learning in the classroom to policy development to staff wellbeing to community engagement.

This really helps embed the learning throughout the whole school and lays an important foundation for children to nurture their mental health – and that of others – for the rest of their lives.

Mitey is continually evaluated with evaluators reporting that Mitey has the potential to radically alter the landscape of mental health education in New Zealand. Schools report changes in student behaviour, with children being more able to talk about and manage their feelings together with helping their classmates do the same and teaching staff also note positive impacts on their own wellbeing.

Mitey is striving for a country where mental health is understood, supported, and prioritised in every school and community across New Zealand , and that’s exciting!